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Below is a series of PDF-documents of selected activities and projects in which we have been involved and that are listed in the portfolio. A number of them are in Dutch. These are marked with NL in the first column. Information given is only with the approval of the client or has been made public in other ways before.

Title and description

EN brochure

Better regional coherence as future challenge for peri-urban Rotterdam area

Headlines of a study tour report, issued by Regiowaarde

EN report

Better regional coherence as future challenge for peri-urban Rotterdam area

Report of a conducted study tour for professionals in regional development

NL brochure

Verandering in acht fasen

Model for phasing change processes, based on the books "Leading Change" by Kotter, and "Our Iceberg is Melting" by Kotter and Rathgeber


NL report

Heroriëntatie gebiedsontwikkeling Wijde Biesboch

Intervention and change of the process of regional development


NL brochure

Heroriëntatie gebiedsontwikkeling Wijde Biesboch

Summary of the eponymous report


EN brochure

Preserving qualities requires choice making

Report of the expert meeting in Biesbosch and Land van Heusden en Altena


NL brochure

Behoud van eigen kwaliteit vraagt keuzes

Report of the expert meeting in Biesbosch en Land van Heusden en Altena


NL brochure

Bouwen aan samenwerking

Regional development in the Maasmeanders, an entrepreneurs' initiative.

Summary of the eponymous report


NL report

Bouwen aan samenwerking

Regional development in the Maasmeanders, an entrepreneurs' initiative.


NL brochure

Kennisexpeditie naar West Cork - Ierland

Experiences with regional branding from Ireland, transformed to Brabant


NL report

Gebiedsontwikkeling met de Fuchsiabrand in West Cork

Report of a study visit from Brabant to West Cork, Ireland


NL brochure

Ambachtelijke kaas en zuivel

Start-up of a Hungarian-Dutch joint project

EN brochure

Artisan cheese and dairy products

Start-up of a Hungarian-Dutch joint project


EN report

Report of the study visit from the Western Balkans to Brussels and Brabant

Report of NGOs' study visit as part of the Green Agenda training programme by Milieukontakt International


NL report

Regional Branding van Het Groene Woud

Evaluation of a region's development process, initiated by an international conference

EN report

Study visit from Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania to Brussels and Brabant

Report of NGOs' study visit as part of the Green Agenda training programme


NL report

Internationaal werkbezoek aan Brabantse regionale ontwikkelingen

Study visits of NGOs from Bulgary, Croatia and Romania


EN report

Sustainable Regional Development

Report of the input of Dutch experiences and examples to the Green Agenda training seminar for Romanian and Bulgarian NGOs, Tirgu Mures –Romania


NL brochure

Sturing op Duurzame Plattelandsontwikkeling

Final report of the projects within the SDPO programme


EN brochure

Innovative approach to regional development encourages regional economy

Brochure on the start of a proces of regional branding and territorial cooperation

NL brochure

Innovatieve aanpak gebiedsontwikkeling stimuleert regionale economie

Brochure on the start of a proces of regional branding and territorial cooperation (Dutch version)

NL report

Anders leren sturen

Businessplan for the programme SDPO



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